Scott serves as an Associate Professor of Missiology at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary and the Associate Dean of the Ministry Preparation Area. Before joining Southeastern's faculty, he and his family lived in Western Europe and Central Asia.

Over the past 30 years, Scott has traveled the world, aiming to help people find hope and joy through a relationship with Jesus. Scott is married to Lesley, and they have two adult children and three grandchildren.

He often speaks and writes on topics related to missions, spiritual formation, missiology, and theology.


1. "Together on God's Mission" is an appeal for Southern Baptists to cooperate and fulfill God's mission of spreading the Good News of Christ to the nations.

2. "Bondage and Freedom" is a resource for individuals struggling with pornography. The book discusses the harmful effects and offers practical steps for breaking free.

3. "Sharing Jesus Without Freaking Out," 2nd edition, was co-written by Dr. Steven McKinion. It is a resource for those who want to share the story of Jesus conversationally and engagingly.

4. "God is Great, God is Good" is a children's book about prayer and God's character. It is a valuable resource for parents, grandparents, and anyone interested in nurturing children's faith in God.

Upcoming releases:

1. "Serving Jesus Without Burning Out" is a follow-up book with Dr. Steven McKinion. It explores the challenges of Christian ministry and provides practical advice for long-term, thriving ministry.

2. "A Shorter Guide to Missions and Evangelism" is a simple meditation on the Great Commission (Matthew 28:18-20). It offers practical insights into every Christian's responsibility to pursue God's mission.